Kansa Wand (Mini)


Koe muinainen salaisuus säteilevä iho ja syvä rentoutuminen Vedas Kansa Wandin taide. . Tämän Kaksipuolinen ihme On enemmän kuin vain hierontatyökalu; se on portti holistiseen nuorentamismatkaan.

Kehitetty pyhästä Kansa metallista, tämä hieno työkalu hierontat Poissa oleva stressi , Puhdistaa Muinaisella viisaudella, ja Lisää kiertokirjaa Valoisaksi hehkuksi.

Koe kohdennettu helpotus pienemmällä päällä silmän alapuoliseen turvotukseen, kun taas suurempi pää kärsii kasvojen jännitystä. Kohota rutiinia tällä Ayurvedic ihmeellä ja todista muutos rentoutuneeksi, säteileväksi ihoksi.

Tärkeää: Puhdista ja kuivaa Kansa-vaiva jokaisen käytön jälkeen, jotta sen elinaika pidennetään. Säilytä se kuivassa paikassa, poissa kosteudesta.

After every use, wipe the wand with a soft, damp cloth to clean. Avoid exposure to harsh chemicals, water and abrasive materials. Store in a cool, dry environment.


How the Kansa Wand Boosts Your Skin's Health

Detoxify and Purify

  • Helps to remove toxins from the skin, leaving you with a fresh, rejuvenated look.
  • Relaxes facial muscles, reducing signs of stress and tension.

Restore Radiance and Glow

  • Boosts blood circulation for a naturally radiant complexion & better oxygenation.
  • Perfect for use with your favorite oils or serums to maximize their effectiveness.

Achieve Balanced Skin

  • Encourages a balanced, even complexion by harmonizing your skin’s natural elements.
  • Helps maintain the skin's equilibrium, supporting both oily and dry skin types.

Holistic Wellbeing

  • Stimulates Marma points to balance all three Doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
  • Supports a holistic approach to beauty, aligning with ancient Ayurvedic practices.

Why Choose a Mini Kansa Wand?

The Mini Kansa Wand is the perfect tool for those seeking targeted care for delicate areas, especially around the eyes. Its compact size makes it ideal for precise Marma point massage, promoting relaxation and balancing energy where it's needed most. Designed for both convenience and effectiveness, the Mini Kansa Wand is also an excellent travel companion, allowing you to maintain your skincare routine on the go.

How to Use the Mini Kansa Wand for Best Results

  • Step 1: Prepare Your Skin

    Apply a natural face serum of your choice to clean, dry skin.

  • Step 2: Target Delicate Areas

    Gently glide the Mini Kansa Wand around the eye area, focusing on the under-eye, brow bone, and outer corners.

  • Step 3: Use Gentle, Circular Motions

    Massage in slow, circular motions to stimulate blood flow and reduce puffiness.

  • Step 3: Focus on Marma Points

    Apply gentle pressure on key Marma points around the eyes to promote relaxation and energy balance.

  • Step 5: Observe Detox Effects

    A gray tint may appear, indicating detoxification. Rinse off with warm water if needed.

  • Step 6: Clean After Each Use

    Wipe the wand clean with a soft cloth and dry thoroughly before storing it.