Maailmanlaajuinen toimitus: 19 €. Ilmainen on 100 €.

Maailmanlaajuinen toimitus: 19 €. Ilmainen € 100 Tilaukset


Ostoskorisi on tyhjä

Art of Vedas Ayurvedic Skin Care Rituals and wellness Products picture

Ayurvedic Kansan rituaalit

Tutki Kansan parantavaa voimaa Vedasin taidessa

Ayurvedic Kansa Comb: Revitalize Your Hair with the Ancient Wisdom of Ayurveda

Kansa Comb



Experience the rejuvenating touch of Ayurveda with Art of Vedas Kansa Wand, a traditional Ayurvedic tool that enhances facial circulation, promotes lymphatic drainage, and revitalizes your complexion for a youthful and radiant glow.

Kansa Wand - Kaksoispuoli

5.0 (1)



Photograph of the Art of Vedas Kansa Vatki Wand resting on a natural stone surface, highlighting its sleek design and ergonomic handle. The Kansa metal head shines prominently, reflecting its quality and suitability for both foot and body massage.

Kansa Wand (ruumi)



A close-up image of the Art of Vedas Body Massage Kansa Wand, showcasing its large, smoothly polished metal dome and elegantly carved wooden handle. The tool is positioned against a serene, neutral background to highlight its sleek design and therapeutic purpose.

Kansa Wand - KODY



Close-up view of the Art of Vedas Kansa Wand Mini, showcasing its sleek, handcrafted design with a polished wooden handle and rounded Kansa metal tip, positioned against a serene, neutral background to emphasize its Ayurvedic roots and use as a facial massage tool for rejuvenating skin therapy.

Kansa Wand (Mini)



Immerse yourself in the transformative power of Ayurveda with Art of Vedas Kansa Vatki, a traditional Ayurvedic massage tool crafted from a unique blend of copper, zinc, and tin.

Ayurveda Kansa Vatki



Unleash the transformative power of Ayurveda with Art of Vedas Kansa Gua Sha, a traditional facial sculpting tool sculpted from a unique blend of copper, zinc, and tin.

Kansa Gua Sha.



Muinaiset Ayurvedin rituaalit

Avaa salaisuus parantuneen hyvinvoinnin

Kansa-metallia on käytetty Ayurvedic-käytännössä vuosisatojen ajan. vähentää stressiä ja parantaa yleistä hyvinvointia. Sen lempeä kosketus tunnetaan stimuloivan energiapisteitä ja edistävän luonnollista paranemisprosessia.